

After parting from her child, the parent can be mated again soon. For it need to be prepared to re-group marriage. Previously carried out by the group parent selection mating, which is based on the emergence of lust nature. But before the parent body condition should be recovered by feeding and regular maintenance and good. Animal feed should be given a sufficient amount of quality in order to stem back to show signs of estrus. With the treatment, within 3 months after birth, the parent is able to pregnant again. After 8 months, the parent is able to give birth again.
Kid goat weaning should be separated between males and females. Each placed in the stable. Children should be given de-worming goats after weaning, such as pheno Plus or Batilan the recommended dosage. Growth of particular types of goat goat nuts and PE are listed in Table 6 below.

 Source of data: The results are set forth in the 2nd Seminar on Ruminant Livestock Research Center in Ciawi, Bogor.
To facilitate the development of data recording goats and children covering the origins of male or female parent, the birth and sex, number of children born, kid birth weight, birth spacing, age males as pemacak, age of female parent when mated, pregnant period, and the child mortality rate recording card can be used as an example in the attachment goat


After giving birth, the parent should be treated kamibng cleared part of the remains of his birth. Diminution rahi to normal size takes about 2 weeks. Parent must be in top condition in order to produce milk for their children. During lactation, drinking water should be available at all times dikandangnya, including mineral blocks, feed kosentrat about 2% of body weight, and adequate forage as a staple food. The amount and quality of feed should be kept in mind.
Kid after birth left suckling on its mother until your heart's content. Children who get enough milk from its mother, the condition of his body will be strong and agile. After 6 days old child, the parent can begin goats milked.
3 weeks old goat kids have started to learn to eat grass, young leaves, and may have given kosentrat in the form of slurry as feed amplifier. Kid does not need to be fed again after the age of 2-3 months because time has come to wean. Children who had been weaned were subsequently require better treatments in order to grow large and fast growing.
Early weaning can be done when the child is 2 months old. Separate the child from the parent cage. This separation will usually cause a stir, but not for long. A few days after the split, they will silence themselves.


After bunting for a little over 150 days, usually mother goat will give birth without the help of others. This process will take a good birth if the parent body healthy condition and not too fat. Goats were mated in January is expected to give birth in June. Calculation of the birth of the child could be calculated according to estimates in Table 5.

 If mated on January 5, her son would be born date: 5-1 = 4 June due mada 150 days pregnant goats.
Pregnant mother would give birth, usually exhibit certain symptoms. Nafs eating inhibited, anxious, bleat-bleat, and his feet scratching the ground. This phase goes more than a day. In addition, the vulva appears swollen reddish and moist and the cervix is ​​stretched. This phase is to facilitate the birth canal. If these symptoms appear, the parent should immediately be placed in a clean cage approximately a day before delivery. However, before the walls covered floor clean dry grass that is useful to absorb the liquid that comes out during the birth process takes place.Birth process go smoothly, if the position of the children were normal. Keep in mind that the normal position of the child in the womb are two kinds of interior and posterior position. Interior position if one or two front legs and head rests in the birth canal, while the posterior position if both rear legs are in the birth canal.The process begins with the birth of kid child entry into the birth canal. Pressure the child to be out of the pockets of the uterus through the birth canal, causing the mother goat will merejan or severe straining. Perejanan it occurs because the stomach tendon stem exert energy trying to encourage children to get out. Usually the child will be born in about 15 minutes since the parent merajan.If the birth is difficult even though the position of the child conceived is under normal circumstances, should a kid spending helped ranchers in the following way.1. Mother goat vulva and surrounding area be washed with soap and water.2. Hands and arms thoroughly washed.3. Hands covered with soft soap (as a lubricant) pela evenly and slowly inserted into the vaginal opening.4. Before the process of assisted birth, the child's position in the womb must be known. When the interior position, at least one front leg and head would feel to be in the birth canal. If the posterior position, a second rear leg which will be palpable.5. Once known, the kids slowly pulled it out.6. After exiting, mucous membranes and nose cleared up the child to breathe. If there is mucus in the nose, legs and swung back and forth is held with care.7. After breathing properly, lift the child up and dip it in the navel nipples jodium 5% or 7% to prevent entry of bacteria.8. Let the mother goat licking the child's body to dry their feathers. After 3-6 hours, the kids are able to stand alone. The kid will be suckling on udder parent to obtain Atua Colostrum is the first milk have properties as antibodies.

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