

Selection of the pregnant mother can be performed 2 months after the marriage. Livestock are not pregnant should be removed from the enclosure. Then another group opted for subsequent marriages. Pregnant first signs is difficult to know with certainty, but the change in behavior can be observed and used as a handle. Goats young females that are pregnant, her movements somewhat calm, not nervous, not aggressive anymore, increased appetite, and frequent licking the cage door or floor. If already pregnant, should be separated from other goat, which is included in a separate cage. A pregnant goats require care and better feed her unborn child to grow up healthy. Pregnant goats period lasts about 150 days cattle. By the time a young pregnant, goats should be kept and be protected from the things that can cause miscarriages and stress. In the first 3 weeks of pregnancy have not seen real growth. Only in the last 8 weeks and glandular stomach look bigger udders.
Goats that are pregnant need to get enough sunlight each day. Cages must be knowledgeable in order to be able to move freely and her condition is always maintained in order to remain healthy, fresh, and strong. Goats that are pregnant should avoid fighting with other animals, do not get hit by a blow, fall, or forced to do hard labor. If that happens then the goat will stress and miscarriage


Adult female goats began at the age of 6-8 months. At the age of goats can be mated. However, for a goat marriage at the age of emotion avoided because it has not fully developed reproductive organs. Marriage age should be deferred until it reaches the age between 15-18 months. To avoid the young marriage age, female goat rearing separated since the age of 5 months. In the cage or in the grazing, goat should be separated from the goats. Goat enclosure should be large enough so the goats can move freely, stay strong, and active.Goats should be bathed once a week, especially if the day is hot. Feeding areas should also be considered, lest his body growing too fat. Fat goat stud can not be good because it would be a slacker and reduced mating lust. Goats ready to be bred at the age of 6-8 months. Since then, it has been able to marry a goat adult female goats. However, for the new goat be good if the stud has reached the age between 15-18 months.Marriage of male and female goats have to be set so as not too tired. The tail of the male can marry 20-25 and females can perform marriages in a day 4-5 times. A total of 2-3 days / week. Males are either always in a state of lust. Each received stimulation or goat smell, not far from her then lust will rise.Sebegai used goat stud should be treated well and given adequate amount of feed quality. Keturuna stud can only give good until the age of 8 years. Passing of the age, males are considered old and should be condemned and replaced other males younger. Future breeding it should also be considered. Should not marry a goat exactly 5 months before the rainy season. Meant that the child was not born in the season of heavy rain. If the goat does not want to marry a female partner, preferably female goat that is not the preferred look for other males who want to marry. Marriage between male and female goats can be arranged so that it can be predicted time livestock production can be obtained.Grown goat and ready to mate always show signs of estrus, which is often bleat without cause, to rub the body of the enclosure wall or wood, restlessness, decreased appetite, tail wagging, frequent urination, genital lips slightly swollen, inner membrane slightly reddish, and clear out mucus. The estrus period lasts approximately 16-20 minutes and repeated every 3 weeks.If the signs of estrus was already visible, you should immediately mated female goats. Female goats are captivated immediately put in cages males. Female parent that really captivated when released near the stud restrained, so that the process takes place perkawinanny safe. Stud size should be larger than females who marry so that the mating process is not difficult. Try males marrying her partner twice in a row. After mating the female to be walked so that the sperm that had received it did not spill out.To determine mating success, it can be seen from his behavior. Females who initially allowed himself to be approached, and then the next night away from approaching males. If the next day is still away from the possibility of males who approached the female goat pregnant


Berikut ini adalah beberapa jenis PuPuk DAUN yang telah beredar di pasaran :
Nama Dagang
Kandungan Unsur
Kepekatan Larutan
Keterangan Singkat
BASF foliar B

N 15%
P 30%
K 15%
Mg 0,8%
20 gram / 10 liter air
Pupuk anorganik lengkap ( makro dan mikro ) berbentuk tepung untuk pertumbuhan generatif ( pembentukan buah dan bunga)
BASF foliar D

N 15%
P 11%
K 15%
Mg 1%
Pupuk anorganikmakro dan mikro berbentuk tepung untuk pertumbuhan vegetative ( daun, cabang, batang )

N 11%
P 8%
K 6%
Mg 1%
20 ml/ 10 liter air ( 2-4 liter bayfolan per ha)
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro untuk pertumbuhan vegatatif ( daun, cabang, batang )


N 12%
P 4%
K 6%
Mg 0,2%
2 – 5 cc / liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk cairan untuk pertumbuhan vegetative.

Fe, Zn,Mn,Cu,Mg,
Mo, Co, Ca,K,S,P dan protein
10cc/liter air
Pupuk organic mikro berbentuk cairan untuk melengkapi  unsure mikro bagi tanaman

10cc/5 ltr air untuk tanaman keras, 10 cc/ 10 ltr untuk tanaman lemah, 10 cc/15 liter untuk palawija
Pupuk organic mikro dan makro berbentuk cairan untuk pertumbuhan tanaman pembungaan, dan pembuahan .
Gandasil B
N 6%
P 20%
K 30%
Mg 3%
Mn, B,Cu,Co,Zn

Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentul serbuk untuk merangsang pertumbuhan generative ( bunga dan buah )
Gandasil D
N 14%
P 12%
K 14%
Mg 1%
Mn, B,Cu,Co,Zn
10 – 30 gram / 10 liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk serbuk untuk pertumbuhan vegetative
N 12%
P 24%
K 24%
B,Mo,Mg,Mn, Fe,Co,Zn
1 sendok the / 1 galon ( 4,5 liter ) air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk Kristal untuk anggrek dan tanaman hias umumnya.
N 12%
P  7%
K  5%
Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, B, Mo, Co, Ni
20 – 30 ml/ 10 lt air 5 – 7 hari 1 x
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan vegetatif
Hyponex biru
N 10%
P  40%
K  15%
Pupuk anorganik makro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan generatif
Hyponex hijau
N 20%
P 20%
K 20%
Pupuk anorganik makro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan vegetative
Hyponex merah
N 25%
P 5%
K 20%
0,5 sendok the / 0,95 lt air
Pupuk anorganik makro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan vegetative

Mn 5%
Fe 1,7%
Co 0, 87%
Zn 0,86%
B 2%
Mo 0,24%
Mg 0,2%
Protein 5%
Zat organic 4,5%
1 cc / 1,5 liter air
Pupuk anorganik mikro untuk menanggulangi kekurangan unsur mikro pada tanaman.
Mikombi super
Fe 2,70%
Mn 1,36%
Zn 0,48%
Cu 1,36%
Co 0,15%
Mg 0,32%
B 0,70%
0,5 gram 1 gram /1 liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk tepung untuk pertumbuhan vegetative dan generative 
Mikrofid Cu 10
Cu ( Tembaga ) 10%
1 gr/lt air
Pupuk anorganik makro berbentuk Kristal dengan kandungan unsure tunggal untuk mengatasi kekurangan unsur Cu ( tembaga )
Mikrofed Fe 132
Fe ( Besi ) 13,2%

1 gr/ lt air
Pupuk anorganik mikro berbentuk Kristal dengan kandungan unsur tunggal untuk mengatasi kekurangan Fe ( besi)
Mikrofed Mg 6
Mg (Magnesium ) 6%
1 gr / lt air
Pupuk anorganik mikro berbentuk Kristal dengan kandungan unsur tunggal untuk mengatasi kekekurangan unsur Mn ( magnesium )
Mikrofed Mn 10
Mn ( Mangan ) 10 %
0,5 gr / lt air
Pupuk anorganik mikro berbentuk Kristal dengan kandungan unsur tunggal untuk mengatasi kekurangan unsur Mn ( Mangan )
Mikrofed Zn 10
Zn ( seng) 10%
2 gr/lt air
Pupuk anorganik mikro berbentuk Kristal dengan kandungan unsure tunggal untuk mengatasi kekurangan unsur Zn ( seng)
Fe 3,60%
Mn 1,80%
Zn 0,72%
Cu 0,18%
Co 0,03%
B 0,76%
Mo 0,063%
0,5 gr – 1 gr / lt air
Pupuk anorganik mikro untuk mengatasi kekurangan unsur mikro pada tanaman
Molyfert A
N 10 %
P 45 %
K 10 %
10 gr / 10 lt air
Pupuk anorganik makro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan generative ( pembentukan bunga  dan buah )
Molyfert B
N 15 %
P 10 %
K 32 %
Pupuk kimia makro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan generative
B 0,3%
Fe 1,5%
Cu 0,5%
Mn 1,5%

Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk cair, untuk pertumbuhan vegetative dan generative.
NutraPhos N
N 16%
P 12%
K 4%
Mg 1,5%
Zn 2%
Fe 1%
B 1%
10 – 30 gr/ 10 lt air untuk sayuran. 20 – 40 gr/ 10 lt air untuk buahbuahan
Pupuk kimia makro dan mikro berbentuk tepung untuk pertumbuhan vegetative dan generative.

N 8%
P 2%
K 5,8%
Zat organic 31%
Air 45%
20 ml / 5 lt air atau 500 ml/ 150 liter air
Pupuk organic makro dan mikro berbentuk cairan untuk anggrek dan tanaman hias pada umumnya.
Plant feed
N 21%
P 21%
K 21%
1 sendok the / 10 lt air
Pupuk kimia makro dan mikro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan vegetative
Pokon 7
N 21%
P 21%
K 21%
3 gr / lt air
Pupuk kimia makro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan generative
N 10%
P 10%
K 7,5%
B,Co,Cu,Fe,Mg, Mn,Mo, S,Z, vitamin, hormon
1,5 – 3,01 / lt ha
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro yang mengandung vitamin dan hormone berbentuk cair, untuk petumbuhan vegetative dan mengatasi kekurangan unsur hara  mikro tanaman
Shell foliar
N 18%
P 18%
K 18%
MgO,B,Cu,Mn, Zn, Mo, Fe, dan vitamin B
20 – 25 gr per 10 liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro untuk pertumbuhan generative dan mengatasi kekurangan unsur hara mikro.
Shell foliar B
N 15%
P 30%
K 15%
MgO, B, Cu,
Mo 0,001%
Zn 1,5%
Mg 4,0%
N 5,0%
S 5,0%
Shell foliar D
N 26%
P 11%
K 13 %
MgO, B, Cu, Mn, Zn, Mo, Fe, vitamin B
N 25%
P 16%
K 12%
Mg, Mn, B, Fe, Cu, Mo, Zn, Co
15 gr/ 10lt air untuk tanaman keras; 25 gr/10 lt air untuk tanaman hias, palawija
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro untuk pertumbuhan vegetative dan mengatasi kekurangan unsur mikro
Surplus hijau
N 17%
P 17%
K 17%
Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, B, dan Mo
15 – 25 gr per 10 lt air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan vegetative
Surplus merah
N 9%
P 45%
K 21%
Mg, Fe, b, Zn, Mn, Cu, Co, Mo
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro untuk merangsang terbentuknya bunga dan buah.
Top foliar B
N 15%
P 10%
K 20%
Mg 2%
Mn, B,Cu, Co, Zn
Special B
N 18%
P 33%
K 18%
Mg 3%
B, Mn, Co, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, B, Vitamin.
1 – 3 gr / liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbetuk butiran untuk pembungaan dan buah.
Spesial D
N 30%
P 20%
K 10%
Mg 1%
B, Mn, Co, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, vitamin B
Top foliar D
N 13%
P 11%
K 13%
Mg 1%
Mn, B, Cu, Co, Zn
20 gr / 10 lt air
Pupuk daun lengkap berbentuk tepung untuk pertumbuhan tanaman
S, Mg,Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, B, Mo, vitamin
1 -2 cc / 20 liter air
Pupuk organic mikro berbentuk cairan, untuk mengatasi kekurangan unsur mikro
Vitabloom orchid special
N 30
P 10
K 10
Mg, Fe, Mn, Co, B, mo, Zn, vitamin B1
1 sendok the / 4 liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk Kristal untuk pertumbuhan vegetative pada tanaman anggrek
Vitabloom orchid special
N 20
P 20
K 20
Mg, Fe, B, mn, Co, Zn, vitamin B,Mo
1 sendok the / 4 liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk Kristal untuk pembentukan bunga pada tanaman anggrek
Vitabloom special biru
N 5%
P 50%
K 17%
Mg, Fe, Mn, Co, Zn, B, Mo, vitamin B

Vitalik A
N 15,0%
P 6,0%
K 5,0%
B 0,5%
Fe 0,1%
Cu 0,05%
Zn 0,05%
Mo 0,1%
1cc / 1 liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentul cair untuk partumbuhan vegetative dan geeneratif
Vitalik Z
N 6,0%
P 9,0%
K 2,0%
Mg 1,0%
Mn 0,5%
B 0,5%
Cu 0,05%
Zn 4,5%
Mg 0,1% “ asam organic spreader”
1cc/1 liter
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk cairan, terutama untuk mengatasi kekurangan unsur mikro pada tanaman.
Vitalil P
N 5,0%
P 15,0%
K 2,0%
Mg 1%
Mn 1,0%
B 0,5%
Cu 0,05%
Zn 0,05%
Mo 0,12%
Gula, asam organic
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk cair untuk pertumbuhan generative
N 20 %
P 22%
K 16%
Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Co, B
1sendok teh/ 1galon (4,5 liter)air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk Kristal untuk anggrek
N 10%
P 10%
K 7,5%
Fe, Mn, Co, Mo, dan vitamin.
Hormone dan zat pembasah
1 – 3 cc / 1 liter air
Pupuk anorganik makro dan mikro berbentuk cairan yang mengandung vitamin, zat-zat tumbuh dan stabilisator untuk pertumbuhan vegetative dan mengatasi kekurangan unsur hara mikro pada tanaman.

Sumber ; penebar Swadaya

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