

Selection of the pregnant mother can be performed 2 months after the marriage. Livestock are not pregnant should be removed from the enclosure. Then another group opted for subsequent marriages. Pregnant first signs is difficult to know with certainty, but the change in behavior can be observed and used as a handle. Goats young females that are pregnant, her movements somewhat calm, not nervous, not aggressive anymore, increased appetite, and frequent licking the cage door or floor. If already pregnant, should be separated from other goat, which is included in a separate cage. A pregnant goats require care and better feed her unborn child to grow up healthy. Pregnant goats period lasts about 150 days cattle. By the time a young pregnant, goats should be kept and be protected from the things that can cause miscarriages and stress. In the first 3 weeks of pregnancy have not seen real growth. Only in the last 8 weeks and glandular stomach look bigger udders.
Goats that are pregnant need to get enough sunlight each day. Cages must be knowledgeable in order to be able to move freely and her condition is always maintained in order to remain healthy, fresh, and strong. Goats that are pregnant should avoid fighting with other animals, do not get hit by a blow, fall, or forced to do hard labor. If that happens then the goat will stress and miscarriage

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