

Students in education today are vitally interested is being both successful and happy in life. One of the best ways for you to accomplish this is to engage in comprehensive planning during the initial  stages of preparing for your life work. An introductory course in education, therefore, should provide many opportunities for you to gain an thorough understanding of what is involved in a teaching career to the extent that you see clearly the tasks ahead in developing into an effective teacher,. An introductory education course should also test further the wisdom of your decision to become a teacher, so that you may be able to develop a reasoned dedication to the profession. It should help you plan with care and insight your preparation for teaching as well as your professional growth after entering the field. As a result of this type of course, subsequent studies and other professional activity should have  greater meaning and purpose to you.
  1. Part I Planning for teaching is designed to assist you in accomplishing these purpose of an introductory course in education. the book is divided into six integral parts. Each part is preceded by an overview designed to assist you in sensing clearly the relations of the chapters involved to the central purpose of the book.attempts to increase your understanding of and skill in planing a career in teaching. The arrangement of the four chapters should assist you in grasping the logical sequence of some fundamental steps involved in career planing: i.e, you clarify the values and goals you desire in life: you study teaching profession to see  whether its potential values are consistent with your life values. you carefully examine the personal and professional requirements for success in the field : you evaluate yourself in terms of these requirements and the develop detailed plans for meeting them. Emphasis is placed upon both individual and group aspects of planning. you also will examine certification requirement and explore the wide range of opportunities that a career in education provides, so that your interests and abilities may best be utilized and your success and happiness in the profession proportionately increased. The needs for both elementary and secondary prospective teachers are taken into consideration.
  2. Part II is concerned with such vital questions as: what relationship do teachers have with community members, pupils, parents, and other members of the profession ? how does a teacher guide the educational growth of boys and girls ? what are  some of the philosophical and psychological bases of modern educational practices ? what is the status of teaching as profession and how does it differ from other profession?What obligations and responsibilities will you have  as a members of the teaching profession ?
  3. Part III  you consider such realistic matters as salary, sick leave, tenure and retirement benefits.
  4. Part IV you explore some of the historical forces that have shaped our educational system as well as theories of eduacation. 
  5. Part V is designed to help you view the broad aspects of education and professional challenge with which teachers today are faced.
Special attention is given to the interrelationship  of the school and the community and the resulting effect upon the role of the teacher. some of the persistent problems and issues which you will face in teaching are pointed out. You are encouraged to plan ways in which you may aid in the solution of these problems an contribute effectively to the fuller realization of the school's function in democratic society.

source: Planning for teaching


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