
Coconut Sugar in The Hinterland


 Coconut Sugar in The Hinterland
Let us explore the plantation in Jember, East Java Indonesia. Jember  has known as a plantation area, it is not completed if you do not enter it and having an experience there, an experience that you could not find any where.
We have left early in the morning to Kotta Blater plantation that is managed by PT. Nusantara XII plantation, a state corporation. The distance from the center of Jember is about two hours away by car with high ground clearance.
Entering the plantation, we drove the vehicle on the road that is no longer paved, but sometimes rocky dirt road. Fortunately, we were there when dry season. If it rains, it would need more struggles to accelerate the vehicle because the road was turned into a bit muddy. The field like this is suitable for those who like to race on the dirt bike.
We passed through the rubber trees, cocoa, sengon, and teak. The trees were pretty tight. We moved slowly, enjoy the ride that day . several times we met the local residents who were walking and carrying wood and grass.
After a tiring journey, we arrived a village. There is traditional processing of “Coconut Sugar” owned by afdeling trate PTPN XII Kotta Blater plantation. The hot white smoke burst from the furnaces that contain coconut sap. This is like sauna.
Most of the works have a family ties. One stove’s sap run by a single family. There are at least 50 stoves. They start work early in the morning until evening. The women are working in processing, while majority of men work as reddening sap.
Having tired watching the process of making coconut sugar, we can go straight to the Rowo Cangak Beach. It takes about 20 minutes from the processing plant to the beach. The beaches and hospitality in the plantation become a perfect blend of the end of a weekend trip. Have a pleasure holiday.

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