

Nautical tourism of jember is turn out to be quite famous. No wonder if bande alit beach in tempurejo sub district is become the national tourism development. The Law has arrange it in the UU Kepariwisataan National No. 10 Tahun 2009 ( National Tourism Law No. 10/2009) and strengthen by PP No. 16 tahun 2012 ( PP 16/2012).
 Bande alit is considered worthy to developed as nautical tourism area: moreover the tourism are very fond of this beach tourism object. From the record in the ministry of tourism, the nautical tourism in Indonesia is never getting low in enthusiast and become the tourism detination spot.
The development of nautical tourism in the south coast of jember will be arranged, so that become tidy and beautiful. It is hoped that by doing so, the tourism will be attracted to visit them.
“ the natural beauty of nautical tourism destination in jember such as watu ulo, Papuma beach or bande alit is very enchanting. Therefore the central government puts it into national tourism development agenda.
When talking about nautical tourism, spot we cannot escape from five aspects which are tourism product, facility, road access, institution and also the people hospitality. In order to make nautical tourism in jember district become better, a better human resources is  a must, not only able to operate boat” .
These fishermen should become a good tour guide. But in order to fulfill that, the capability of talking in foreign language is needed to make a good two way communication between them and the tourists. They should also able to swim, because its definitely one thing that needed by nautical tour guide.

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