


After two years not being present for any reason, the agenda of the month of Visiting Jember (BBJ ) was held back  from April to July 2012. Those excitement came again. There were 29 events of art, cultures and economics that were meant as window to display Jember to the far reaching public. 

There was a spirit of the festive, Jember City Carnival ( JCC ) engaged more participant from students. Theme of JCC was a cultural diversity archipelago. Prior to be held, there was an in house training in some schools for students who were interested to take part in JCC.
There was a spirit of a leisure activity. The fans of “KOONG’S” turtledoves got together and conducted a competition. The turtledoves showed off their beautiful voice in the race “Klatuk”, which is the competition of natural vocal turtledoves there were 15 blocks committee of choir turtledoves
There was a tradition of strength of bull racing. Bull racing is identical to the island of Madura. But this BBJ, the bull racing was to be a part of the event of the month of visiting Jember ( BBJ ). The contest was followed by 150 participant and was held in the field of village Tanggul Wetan, Tanggul District. The participant come from Probolinggo, Bondowoso, Pasuruan, Lumajang, Jember, and the entire district on the island of Madura.
The big interest of participant made schedule program was extended two days beyond the primary schedule. Participants interest in the long trajectory of bull racing cirque. The entry of bull racing is no longer exclusive to the island of Madura, but it has become part of Indonesian culture and tradition of Jember.
The enthusiasm and support of the citizens is the key and the cantilever of BBJ. This could be seen in the contest of climbing nut tree in the square June 17, 2012. Thousand of residents, who could not wait to get the gift which placed on the top of the nut trees as high as 8 feet, immediately scrambled up to the nut tree. It was not take minutes, all of the gift at the top of 200 tree’s trunk were brought out.
The nominal of total prize in above all of nut trees was estimated at USD 250 million. There were nine kinds of gifts, including bicycles, magic jar, gas stoves, dispensers etc.without the opening ceremonial by regent Mr. Djalal, the event of climbing nut tree felt as the people event.
BBJ’s excitement came to the rim land of the village in jember, while motorcycles participants Jember adventure trail roared through the forest. From the 100 km of route, 80 percent were through the forest, and 10 percent were through the streets. Seems that the residents from remote village have enjoyed the group of the trail motorcycles which passing their village. They were giving applause when the bikers tried to pass through the barrier and felt.
Absolutely, the climax of the racing was TAJEMTRA: traditional embankment jember 30 Km. it was worth to mention that the party was a folksy gathering. Thousands of people, which are without any limitation of social background, age, occupation, and gender, gather together from the strating line in the embankment until reached finish line in downtown Jember City.
The residents who live along the route chose to go out from their houses and watched the crowd together. They provided water in the kettles or gallon bottles for the thirsty participants.


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