
Breeding Goat

The main objective is raising goats for meat and dairy produce, although of goats can also be generated fur, leather, and other outcomes. To achieve that purpose, good livestock management. Goats in the process of maintenance will do the breeding. So that breeding can take place successfully and produce good puppies, some as described in the following should be noted.A. CHOOSING CANDIDATES PARENTA good parent is a key goat rearing. Big female parent in general produce more milk key things to consider in choosing a female parent is the parent that the candidate should be healthy, look vibrant, active, kepasa always erect, eyes glowing, good growth, hair and feathers shiny , and free from defects in the body that are declining. However, the following criteria for the selection of prospective parent, male and female tub.1) Candidates who purchased seed derived directly from the breeder.2) Candidates good parent can be determined by the selection. Selection can be done by taking into account each individual record produksis capability characterized child from weight scales at birth, number of births, and weaning weight. Moreover, it can also be shown from the parent production capability (master male and female) as well as brothers and sisters of children stud.3) After that, the selection process by considering the physical appearance of the young cattle halted from the front, right and left side, and rear. The selected candidate is having good body shape, balanced, and not disabled. After that, consider the suitability of the provisions age, skin color, height Gumba, dental conditions, seed weight in accordance with the criteria and requirements applicable quality seeds.4) Good character facial expressions can be seen from the sunny, calm, radiant eyes. Good goat are aggressive and no abnormalities in the genitals. Female goats are well behaved normal with maternal instincts.5) normal body shape and weight Gated rear body. It is a sign that it is able to support the weight of goat milk.6) In terms of body shape. From the front: the body looks great, straight legs, and a wide range antarkakinya. From the side: tuuh seem high, long, and deep. Back straight and rectangular body shape look. From the rear: the body looks great, and the rear legs berantara wide and strong, ribs grow so broad chest and development terlihar good meat.7) Special goat udder bentu great, feels soft when held and also easily folded. Hair that grows around the udder soft and smooth. Under the skin of the udder terlihar veins and blood vessels mengisut udder skin. Depend on udder nipples and symmetrical shape and size is quite large. Motherly nature, his movements are friendly, docile, and capable of giving birth to twins.8) Special goats jnatan, big and strong body, long testicles, and the nature of manhood are evident. Male broodstock derived from the female parent with two children or more in order to reduce to twins.

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