

Adult female goats began at the age of 6-8 months. At the age of goats can be mated. However, for a goat marriage at the age of emotion avoided because it has not fully developed reproductive organs. Marriage age should be deferred until it reaches the age between 15-18 months. To avoid the young marriage age, female goat rearing separated since the age of 5 months. In the cage or in the grazing, goat should be separated from the goats. Goat enclosure should be large enough so the goats can move freely, stay strong, and active.Goats should be bathed once a week, especially if the day is hot. Feeding areas should also be considered, lest his body growing too fat. Fat goat stud can not be good because it would be a slacker and reduced mating lust. Goats ready to be bred at the age of 6-8 months. Since then, it has been able to marry a goat adult female goats. However, for the new goat be good if the stud has reached the age between 15-18 months.Marriage of male and female goats have to be set so as not too tired. The tail of the male can marry 20-25 and females can perform marriages in a day 4-5 times. A total of 2-3 days / week. Males are either always in a state of lust. Each received stimulation or goat smell, not far from her then lust will rise.Sebegai used goat stud should be treated well and given adequate amount of feed quality. Keturuna stud can only give good until the age of 8 years. Passing of the age, males are considered old and should be condemned and replaced other males younger. Future breeding it should also be considered. Should not marry a goat exactly 5 months before the rainy season. Meant that the child was not born in the season of heavy rain. If the goat does not want to marry a female partner, preferably female goat that is not the preferred look for other males who want to marry. Marriage between male and female goats can be arranged so that it can be predicted time livestock production can be obtained.Grown goat and ready to mate always show signs of estrus, which is often bleat without cause, to rub the body of the enclosure wall or wood, restlessness, decreased appetite, tail wagging, frequent urination, genital lips slightly swollen, inner membrane slightly reddish, and clear out mucus. The estrus period lasts approximately 16-20 minutes and repeated every 3 weeks.If the signs of estrus was already visible, you should immediately mated female goats. Female goats are captivated immediately put in cages males. Female parent that really captivated when released near the stud restrained, so that the process takes place perkawinanny safe. Stud size should be larger than females who marry so that the mating process is not difficult. Try males marrying her partner twice in a row. After mating the female to be walked so that the sperm that had received it did not spill out.To determine mating success, it can be seen from his behavior. Females who initially allowed himself to be approached, and then the next night away from approaching males. If the next day is still away from the possibility of males who approached the female goat pregnant

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