
Size of the Goat Pen

Male and female goats should be maintained separately. Similarly, goat kids following weaning, ie the age of 2-4 months. Enclosure made ​​specifically for males with size 125 cm x 150 cm per cow or a minimum of 150 cm2 spacious enclosure. Enclosure with a large enough size to make goat can move lelauasa that condition remains strong and active. Enclosure for males should be placed far apart from betinya so as not to interfere with the parent that are pregnant or have children.
Enclosures for females that has not childless made ​​with size 100 cm x 125 cm each. If the female goats maintained in groups, such as 4 tails, the cage should be made with a length of 300 cm, width 150 cm and height of 175-225 cm. For the mother who is pregnant or a parent is ready to bear children, should be placed in a special cage measuring 125 cm x 150 cm x 175 cm each.
Weaning kid aged 2-4 months should be made a separate enclosure measuring 100 cm x 125 cm x 175 cm per cow or goat made ​​such cages were kept in groups, ie without a baffle wall so that children are free to move more goats.

 Enclosure can be partitioned become several sections. This case will facilitate maintenance, controlling livestock which sick, the setting marital the parent, and controlling the parent that are pregnant or breastfeeding. Broad the cage differ for status physiological who divergent. To 110 tail goats required 40 x 150 m2 = 6,000 m2 of land. To 100 tail the parent beranak 10 pejantan is needed the cage covering an area of ​​165 m2. Female parent grouped (10-20 tail) with one pejantan in one space cage.
Goat who the stable, periodically 2 or 3 times a a week need to pastored in order that freely moving in the open field. From its disposal must supervised, in order not to damage the plants other people. Pengembalaan endeavored to move where.

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