
Wild goats andGoat Livestock

Goats belong ruminant, even-toed, and hang a pair of horns. Almost all types of mountain goat is an animal that likes to live on steep slopes. Goats in the habit of eating while standing and avid leaves for forage.
In biological classification, goat mammal classified in the group, the tribe of ruminant (ruminants), a tribe of goat-Kambingan (Caprinae). Tribal groups of children were still divided again in smaller groups, which are divided into 5 tribe (family) and 11 genera (genus or parent type). Goats are scattered in nature can be classified into two types, namely wild goat and goat livestock.A. ONE OF THE OLDEST ANIMAL FARM Goat is the oldest animal after the dog. As with other livestock, goats initially maintained to obtain meat. However, as the milch animals, goats are considered the oldest, even older than cows.In Asia, tame goat Capra hircus aegagrus considered ancestors goat livestock, while in Europe, probably derived from the wild goat Capra aegagrus aegagrus. Grown goat livestock in the Middle East to India probably derived from the wild goat Capra aegagrus blythi.Ancestors goat farm located in Europe has been maintained since the stone age (early centuries). This is evidenced by the discovery of fossils of the ancestors of goats in Switzerland. Goats are descended from goats is widely bred by Swiss farmers, such as goat Toggenburg and Saanen dairy goats producing milk.Livestock goat ancestors in the Middle East to India has a body shape that is larger than tame goats Europe. However, due to the adjustment to the environment in his life, living in the area derivative arid desert is very different from living in cool temperate mountain areas and landless fertile. Based on this, the development of goats can be divided into two major categories, yait Egyptian goats and goats member. Classified as goats are goats Nurubi Egyptian, Saudi Arabia, and Costa (Persia). Ettawa goats, cashmere, Bengal, and angora goats belong to the group members.

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