
Raising Goats

Goat is one who is familiar with the type of livestock farming systems in rural areas. Almost every household raise goats. Most of them did make it as a source of family income. Currently goat rearing is not just in the countryside. But has spread to many places. Increasing number of breeder goats that appear due to the demand for meat and dairy goats are constantly increasing.A. LIVESTOCK very popularGoats are very loved by the people for his size kerana bred not too big, easy maintenance, fast breeding, the number of children per birth is often more than one tail, antarkelahiran short distances, and the rapid growth of their children. In addition, the goat has high adaptability to the agro-ecosystem conditions somewhere. In most environments the bad pun, a goat is still able to survive.Goats spread relatively evenly distribution throughout the area. On average one in five households maintain 1-4 goats. Most rural communities treat as a small factory producing goat meat and milk. Another result that can be obtained from goat skin and feces are serving as manure. Farmers in Java really like goats because modah required for maintenance is relatively small.B. GOAT POPULATIONGoats are small ruminants that occupies a special place among the nations of Asia and Africa. Total population of goats in Asia estimated 225 million head or 49% of the total world population. The role of small ruminants has given significant contribution to the health and nutrition of millions of people in developing countries, particularly those living below the poverty line.In 1969 Indonesia has about 7.5 million goats, and then in 1990 increased to 11.2 million head. Goat population is constantly increasing. In 1994 has reached about 12.8 million head and goat population in 2001 about 12.5 million head. From these data it can be concluded that the goat population rate continues to rise an average of 2.2% to 4.3% per year.C. BUSINESS raising goatsEconomic value, social, and cultural goat is very real. The value of a resource for my family farmer income could reach 14-25% of total family income. The lower the rate of expansion of agricultural land, the greater the value of the resources diusahkan of raising goats. Income and value-added goat will be more evident if the rules noted farm. These rules include the use of good seed, feeding enough in terms of nutrition and volume, maintenance of proper governance, and considering the demands and needs of the market.National livestock meat production as much as 1.228 million tons. Goat donate the proceeds approximately 48,000 tons. Donations goat was still small when compared to beef production reached 349,000 tons, 294,000 tons of domestic poultry, and about 280,000 tons of broiler chickens. The low production is due to the orientation of goats goat market is still domestic (local local area) so that slow population growth. However, bagiamanapun condition, goat business knows no crisis. Price of live goats and goat meat from year to year continues to increase. 1998 price of about Rp 7.500/kg live goats and goat meat prices around Rp 17.000/kg. 1999 rose to USD 10.000/kg for live goats and Rp 20.000/kg for mutton. In 2000 the price reached Rp live goats and goat meat 12.000/kg also rose to Rp 24.000/kg.Trends in life and goat meat is increasing due to the demand for goat meat is also increasing. For example, the Jakarta every day requires meat goats and sheep around 15-20 tonnes, equivalent to 1,500-2,000 tail consumed for satay, mutton roll, tongseng, curry, soup, and a wide range of uses for food stalls, restaurants and catering. In fact, demand soared as the feast of Eid al-Adha, the tail reaches 21000-25000. The request was not accounted for keperluaan aqiqah, salvation, and a variety of custom event needs.Goat incoming Jakarta accommodated in RPH Pulogadung, Tanah Abang, Tanjung Priok, and Tanah Abang market goats. The goats come from market Klewer Solo, Yogyakarta, Wonosobo, Bradford, Purwokarta, Subang, Sukabumi, East Java, and Lampung.In addition to the various sources of meat, goats are also bred to be milked. When compared with cow's milk, goat's milk is more expensive. Currently the price of goat milk could reach Rp 13.000/kg, while cow's milk is only Rp 3.000/kg.That condition is a business opportunity for farmers and for investors who want to invest in a goat farm, goat farm either cut or dairy goat farm. With the development of goat breeding business in Indonesia, is expected to better the welfare of farmers. In addition, meat and dairy goat needs a continuous increase can also be met.

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