

Age goats can be seen from the growth of his front teeth. Contained goat incisors on the lower jaw only 8 units (4 pairs). The incisors were out complete since birth. Incisors at birth has not changed is called milk incisors, whereas the incisors have dated will grow again. Teeth new series called permanent incisors.

 Turnover and growth of goat incisors very regular time. Incisors incisors replace milk with larger forms, stronger and more yellowish color. Based incisors turnover and growth, age of the goat can be determined.
Age determination goats less than 1 year to examine the growth of molar teeth. Newborn goat kids, there are 2-8 pieces incisors, at the age of 3-8 months molars growing number 4, and 9 months old molars growing number 5

Breeding Goat

The main objective is raising goats for meat and dairy produce, although of goats can also be generated fur, leather, and other outcomes. To achieve that purpose, good livestock management. Goats in the process of maintenance will do the breeding. So that breeding can take place successfully and produce good puppies, some as described in the following should be noted.A. CHOOSING CANDIDATES PARENTA good parent is a key goat rearing. Big female parent in general produce more milk key things to consider in choosing a female parent is the parent that the candidate should be healthy, look vibrant, active, kepasa always erect, eyes glowing, good growth, hair and feathers shiny , and free from defects in the body that are declining. However, the following criteria for the selection of prospective parent, male and female tub.1) Candidates who purchased seed derived directly from the breeder.2) Candidates good parent can be determined by the selection. Selection can be done by taking into account each individual record produksis capability characterized child from weight scales at birth, number of births, and weaning weight. Moreover, it can also be shown from the parent production capability (master male and female) as well as brothers and sisters of children stud.3) After that, the selection process by considering the physical appearance of the young cattle halted from the front, right and left side, and rear. The selected candidate is having good body shape, balanced, and not disabled. After that, consider the suitability of the provisions age, skin color, height Gumba, dental conditions, seed weight in accordance with the criteria and requirements applicable quality seeds.4) Good character facial expressions can be seen from the sunny, calm, radiant eyes. Good goat are aggressive and no abnormalities in the genitals. Female goats are well behaved normal with maternal instincts.5) normal body shape and weight Gated rear body. It is a sign that it is able to support the weight of goat milk.6) In terms of body shape. From the front: the body looks great, straight legs, and a wide range antarkakinya. From the side: tuuh seem high, long, and deep. Back straight and rectangular body shape look. From the rear: the body looks great, and the rear legs berantara wide and strong, ribs grow so broad chest and development terlihar good meat.7) Special goat udder bentu great, feels soft when held and also easily folded. Hair that grows around the udder soft and smooth. Under the skin of the udder terlihar veins and blood vessels mengisut udder skin. Depend on udder nipples and symmetrical shape and size is quite large. Motherly nature, his movements are friendly, docile, and capable of giving birth to twins.8) Special goats jnatan, big and strong body, long testicles, and the nature of manhood are evident. Male broodstock derived from the female parent with two children or more in order to reduce to twins.


Equipment enclosure is needed in order to facilitate maintenance of goats. Equipment enclosure that takes time goat rearing is described as follows.1. The feed (manger)This equipment is usually made of bamboo or wood board. Manger placed against the side of the cage with a base size of 25 cm width, height (in) 50 cm, width 50 cm uppers, and adjustable length with a long cage. Slit width enclosure to place the goat head out when eating about 30 cm. the distance between the base of the feed to the cage floor as high as 25 cm.2. Forage placeThis container as a place for selecting forage before being given to the goats. Forage expected not dirty, wet, and mixed with other feed ingredients that could harm the health of livestock. Similar container manger made a bit away from the cage. This place used to locate, store, drain, and slightly wilted forage before being given to the goats are kept.3. Drinking placesPlaces to drink that are commonly used are plastic bucket or other similar container. This watering hole filled with clean water after stored in the inner edge of the cage so that goats can make use of it, especially when going to drink. In addition, to facilitate the farmers will take time, cleaning, and filling the water return.4. Place compostPlace compost serves to collect dirt. This place is under the cage under the stage in the form of a hole dug in the ground deep enough to accommodate a lot of dirt. Goat feces and urine collected in it. The goat manure can be used as manure because it contains a lot of nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus so it is good to fertilize crops. Any goats weighing 50 kg, can produce at least 1 ton of manure a year.5. Enclosure doorLeaves the door wide and high enough so that the cattle and maintenance can be easily in and out of the cage. The cage door can be made of wood or bamboo boards.6. StairsEnclosure requires absolute stage as a means of stairs up and down livestock and maintenance. Cage ladder is usually made slightly sloping, not slippery, and there are transverse grooves to hold the foot when cattle are walking up or down stairs.7. The main roomSpace enclosure where livestock is the main room that can move freely in it. Indoor enclosure should be tailored to the type of goat. However, usually every adult goats require a space of 1.5 mx 1 m.

Size of the Goat Pen

Male and female goats should be maintained separately. Similarly, goat kids following weaning, ie the age of 2-4 months. Enclosure made ​​specifically for males with size 125 cm x 150 cm per cow or a minimum of 150 cm2 spacious enclosure. Enclosure with a large enough size to make goat can move lelauasa that condition remains strong and active. Enclosure for males should be placed far apart from betinya so as not to interfere with the parent that are pregnant or have children.
Enclosures for females that has not childless made ​​with size 100 cm x 125 cm each. If the female goats maintained in groups, such as 4 tails, the cage should be made with a length of 300 cm, width 150 cm and height of 175-225 cm. For the mother who is pregnant or a parent is ready to bear children, should be placed in a special cage measuring 125 cm x 150 cm x 175 cm each.
Weaning kid aged 2-4 months should be made a separate enclosure measuring 100 cm x 125 cm x 175 cm per cow or goat made ​​such cages were kept in groups, ie without a baffle wall so that children are free to move more goats.

 Enclosure can be partitioned become several sections. This case will facilitate maintenance, controlling livestock which sick, the setting marital the parent, and controlling the parent that are pregnant or breastfeeding. Broad the cage differ for status physiological who divergent. To 110 tail goats required 40 x 150 m2 = 6,000 m2 of land. To 100 tail the parent beranak 10 pejantan is needed the cage covering an area of ​​165 m2. Female parent grouped (10-20 tail) with one pejantan in one space cage.
Goat who the stable, periodically 2 or 3 times a a week need to pastored in order that freely moving in the open field. From its disposal must supervised, in order not to damage the plants other people. Pengembalaan endeavored to move where.

Goat enclosure

Before you start raising goats, first you need to prepare is to build the cage. Enclosure is a place of rest and shelter for the goats. Enclosure which serves both to facilitate the raising of livestock such as daily feeding and drinks, disease control, and vaccination. Cages can also save the use of space for maintenance, help facilitate the collection and cleaning of dirt so it is always kept clean. In addition, it serves as a protective enclosure of livestock animals that disturb, shock the hot sun, rain and cold temperatures.A. LOCATION AND MODEL COOPLocation of the cage should be selected in the shade, but getting enough sunlight in the morning. Location of the cage should not be too far from home, for example in the back of the house so as to facilitate the supervision and care of the various distractions and things that are unexpected. However, the cage should be built some distance from the bustling traffic so they can live in peace. Good cages usually give safe refuge for the animals that inhabit it.Enclosure should be built on solid ground condition, dry, not muddy in the rain, clean, always got the morning sun, away from large trees or little open place. It is intended to prevent livestock from disease. If wet or damp spot cage, cattle will be susceptible to disease colds.In building enclosure must consider the condition, construction, and equipment enclosures.The condition is a form of cage or enclosure models that can help animals avoid direct natural disturbances such as gusts of wind, the rain, and sun. To get the optimal enclosure required konsturksi good planning. Models tailored to the needs of the cage. Enclosure should be sturdy, durable in use, kesehatahan qualify, and comfortably inhabited by livestock. Model of enclosure for the goats are generally shaped stage built above ground level so that there is under the under the cage. Height from ground level under about 0.5 m.Good cage construction is sturdy, strong, and durable. Enclosure that is both well-ventilated enclosure, walls strong and well, the roof does not leak, and the floor is not easy to damp. Frame and walls can be made of wood, bamboo, or solid concrete. Enclosure wall left, right, and rear closed to avoid the wind currents.Cage roof serves to protect livestock from the hot sun and rain. Materials for the roof can be made of tiles, asbestos, fibers, or thatch. This material is very good because it does not generate heat in the enclosure and durable.Cage floor is made of bamboo planks, boards, or layers of cement. So as not to cause injury to livestock, the floor should be made flat, flat, not slippery, not too hard and sharp, and not easily penetrated the water. Floor of the cage is made parallel to the floor board between 1-1.5 cm wide celahna feces and urine that can fall down. In addition, the slotted floor also facilitate the collection of dirt and cleaning cages. If selected models berkolong not cage it should be considered manufacturing floor. The state of the floor should always be dry, clean, not muddy or damp, and easy to clean.


Each group of wild goats can be distinguished by the mass as follows.1. Nemorhaedini (grove goral goat)These families consist of a genus and Capriconis Nemorhaedus.a. Genus NemorhaedusConsists of one type, ie Nemorhaedus goral goral goat alias. Wild goats living in the mountains of Kashmir and North China. There are 2 types of goat goral, namely Nemorhaedus-goral goral (aka goral goral cashmere cashmere) and Nemorhaedus goral caudatus (north Chinese goral goral aka northern china).b. Genus CapriconisConsists of one type, ie Capriconis sumatraensis aka serow (goat wild Sumatran). In Japan there are Capriconis crispus aka japanese serdus or wild goat called Japan. Height of approximately 1 m, short horns, and ears like a donkey. In Sumatra, the wild goat found in the mountains Tapanuli, Kerinci, Ranau, and Lampung.2. Budorcatini (clumps of goat takin)There is one genus, the genus Budorcas. Its members consist of only one species, namely Budorcas taxicolor takin alias. The wild goat stands about 1 meter and wild life in the mountains of China and Japan. Taksin wild goat found in Japan called mishini takin (Budorcas taxicolor taxicolor), located in Tibet called Szechwan takin (Budorcas taxicolor tribetana), and China called Shensi takin (Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi).3. Rupicaprini (clumps of goat kamois)This clump has genus Rupicapra and Oreamnos.a. Genus RupicapraOnly one species, namely Rupicapra Rupicapra kamois aka chamois or goat. The wild goat horns short and round bends. Adult height reached 30 cm goat. The wild goats live in the mountains of rock Europe and Asia Minor (Turkey).b. Genus OreamnosConsists of one type, ie Oreamnos americanus or rocky mountain goat or mountain goat rock rocky mountain in North America. North American wild goat is classified as one of the groups kamois goat. Male and female goat horns like a dagger.4. Caprini (goats native clump)There are five genera, namely Capra, Ammotragus, Hemitragus, Pseudois, and Ovis.a. Genus Capra aka parent species native goatMembers consist of four types, namely aka goat Capra ibex ibex, Spanish ibex Capra pyrenaica alias or Spanish wild goat, Capra falconeri aka Markhor goat and wild goat Capra aegagrus alias or wild goat aegagrus. Ibex goat has some kind of spread from the mountains of Western Europe to Russia, namely aka alpine ibex Capra ibex ibex (mountain goat alpine ibex), aka nubiana nubian ibex Capra ibex (ibex goats Nubian), Capra ibex ibex abyssian walie alias or Abyssinian ibex goat , Capra ibex ibex servertozoi aka west Caucasian (Caucasian ibex goat west), Capra ibex ibex cylindricornis aka east Caucasian (Caucasian ibex goat east), and Capra ibex sibirica aka Siberian ibex (ibex goat Siberia). This goat horns are much sought after because of the magnificent and long.Goat aka pyrenaica Spanish ibex goats have some kind of child, aka the goat Capra pyrenaica pyrenaica pirenaika Spanish, Capra pyrenaica lusitanica aka the northwest Iberian / sierra dogorez ibex, Capra pyrenaica hispanica aka sierra Nevada ibex or goat pirenaika sierra Nevada.Goat makhor consists of several subspecies, namely heptneri aka goat Capra falconeri makhor Bukhara, aka goat Capra falconeri falconeri makhor asthor, and Capra falconeri jerdoni aka suleman makhor.Aegagrus aka wild goat goat also consists of several subspecies, among which are aegagrus aegagrus Capra aka asia minor wild goat, Capra aegagrus blythi aka wild goat India (sind wild goat), and Capra hircus aegagrus aka goat bezoar or benign (domestic goat) that tersebat in areas such as Pakistan and Turkey.b. Genus AmmotragusConsists of one type, ie Ammotragus LERVIA aka barbary sheep (lamb and sheep tedal suria). Barbary sheep were still wild consists of several subspecies, including Ammotragus LERVIA LERVIA aka mauritania barbary sheep (Mauritanian barbary sheep), Ammotragus LERVIA ornatus aka Egyptian barbary sheep (Egyptian barbary sheep), Ammotragus LERVIA angusi (water barbary sheep), and Ammotragus LERVIA shariensis barbary sheep aka the Sahara desert (sahara barbary sheep).c. Genus HemitragusConsists of one type, ie Hemitragus jemlahicus aka sheep tahr. Sheep were still wild tahr is comprised of several subspecies that spread from the Himalayas to Saudi Arabia, of which Hemitragus jemlahicus jemlahicus aka sheep Himalayan tahr mountain (Himalayan thar), Hemitragus jemlahicus schaeferi aka sheep thar sikkim (sikkim tahr), aka hylocrius Hemitragus Lamb Nilgiri tahr (nigliri tahr), and Hemitragus jayakiri aka sheep tahr arabia (arabia tahr). About 1 m high. live in the canyon and hillsides are cheating.d. Genus PseudoisConsists of one type, ie Pseudois nayaur aka wild sheep (blue sheep) or sheep nayaur (blue sheep). Nayaur sheep consists of several subspecies distributed in the Himalayas, China, Africa. Among these are Pseudois nayaur nayaur aka himalayan blue sheep (Himalayan blue sheep). Pseudois nayaur szechuanensis aka Szechwan blue sheep, and Pseudois nayaur scheferi aka pigmy blue sheep.e. Genus OvisMembers consist of two species, the wild sheep Ovis ammon alias (wild sheep) and Ovis Canadensis aka wild big horn sheep (bighorn sheep). Each of these has some wild sheep subspecies. Wild sheep Ovis ammon live in the mountains. The wild sheep species has several children scattered in the plains of Asia and Europe, among which is the alias sheep Ovis ammon musimon mauflon (European mouflon), aka sheep Ovis ammon ophion urial Cyprus (Cyprus urial), aka sheep Ovis ammon Gmelin urial armenia (armenian urial), Ovis ammon orientalis aka elburs urial sheep (urial elburs), Ovis ammon nigrimontana argali sheep kara aka tau (tau kara argali), Ovis ammon polli aka pamir argali sheep (argali pamir), and sheep Ovis ammon aries aka benign peliharan ( domestic sheep) which consists of different types of breeds. Big horn sheep Ovis canadensis also consists of several subspecies distributed in mainland America and Asia, among Ovis canadensis canadensis aka wild sheep big horn rocky mountain (rocky mountain bighorn sheep), Ovis canadensis dalhi aka dall's sheep, Ovis canadensis nivicola aka kamchathan snow sheep, Ovis canadensis and audiboni aka audubon's bighorn sheep.5. Ovibovini (clumps of goat muskus)There is one genus that is Ovibus. Members to only one type, namely muskus aka Ovibos moschatus (musk ox), which at first glance looks between goats and cows. Goat is comprised of several subspecies that live scattered in Alaska until near the northern polar regions, among which are niphoecus aka Ovibos moschatus muskus Wager (Wager musk ox), and Ovibos moschatus aka Wardi muskus Greenland or muskus green island (Greenland musk ox). Muskus goat is often called cows muskus


Goats and sheep are the two different types of small ruminants biological properties. As a comparison that tame goat Capra hircus aegagrus and docile sheep Ovis ammon aries are farm animals, each of which have different biological properties as described in Table I.
Adult goats are mainly male beard on the chin and base of the tail gland issue the "lady's man" with a characteristic odor, while the sheep are not. Has a sheep skull and bones in the water near his box contained praeorbital gland, whereas no goat skull.

Wild goats andGoat Livestock

Goats belong ruminant, even-toed, and hang a pair of horns. Almost all types of mountain goat is an animal that likes to live on steep slopes. Goats in the habit of eating while standing and avid leaves for forage.
In biological classification, goat mammal classified in the group, the tribe of ruminant (ruminants), a tribe of goat-Kambingan (Caprinae). Tribal groups of children were still divided again in smaller groups, which are divided into 5 tribe (family) and 11 genera (genus or parent type). Goats are scattered in nature can be classified into two types, namely wild goat and goat livestock.A. ONE OF THE OLDEST ANIMAL FARM Goat is the oldest animal after the dog. As with other livestock, goats initially maintained to obtain meat. However, as the milch animals, goats are considered the oldest, even older than cows.In Asia, tame goat Capra hircus aegagrus considered ancestors goat livestock, while in Europe, probably derived from the wild goat Capra aegagrus aegagrus. Grown goat livestock in the Middle East to India probably derived from the wild goat Capra aegagrus blythi.Ancestors goat farm located in Europe has been maintained since the stone age (early centuries). This is evidenced by the discovery of fossils of the ancestors of goats in Switzerland. Goats are descended from goats is widely bred by Swiss farmers, such as goat Toggenburg and Saanen dairy goats producing milk.Livestock goat ancestors in the Middle East to India has a body shape that is larger than tame goats Europe. However, due to the adjustment to the environment in his life, living in the area derivative arid desert is very different from living in cool temperate mountain areas and landless fertile. Based on this, the development of goats can be divided into two major categories, yait Egyptian goats and goats member. Classified as goats are goats Nurubi Egyptian, Saudi Arabia, and Costa (Persia). Ettawa goats, cashmere, Bengal, and angora goats belong to the group members.

Raising Goats

Goat is one who is familiar with the type of livestock farming systems in rural areas. Almost every household raise goats. Most of them did make it as a source of family income. Currently goat rearing is not just in the countryside. But has spread to many places. Increasing number of breeder goats that appear due to the demand for meat and dairy goats are constantly increasing.A. LIVESTOCK very popularGoats are very loved by the people for his size kerana bred not too big, easy maintenance, fast breeding, the number of children per birth is often more than one tail, antarkelahiran short distances, and the rapid growth of their children. In addition, the goat has high adaptability to the agro-ecosystem conditions somewhere. In most environments the bad pun, a goat is still able to survive.Goats spread relatively evenly distribution throughout the area. On average one in five households maintain 1-4 goats. Most rural communities treat as a small factory producing goat meat and milk. Another result that can be obtained from goat skin and feces are serving as manure. Farmers in Java really like goats because modah required for maintenance is relatively small.B. GOAT POPULATIONGoats are small ruminants that occupies a special place among the nations of Asia and Africa. Total population of goats in Asia estimated 225 million head or 49% of the total world population. The role of small ruminants has given significant contribution to the health and nutrition of millions of people in developing countries, particularly those living below the poverty line.In 1969 Indonesia has about 7.5 million goats, and then in 1990 increased to 11.2 million head. Goat population is constantly increasing. In 1994 has reached about 12.8 million head and goat population in 2001 about 12.5 million head. From these data it can be concluded that the goat population rate continues to rise an average of 2.2% to 4.3% per year.C. BUSINESS raising goatsEconomic value, social, and cultural goat is very real. The value of a resource for my family farmer income could reach 14-25% of total family income. The lower the rate of expansion of agricultural land, the greater the value of the resources diusahkan of raising goats. Income and value-added goat will be more evident if the rules noted farm. These rules include the use of good seed, feeding enough in terms of nutrition and volume, maintenance of proper governance, and considering the demands and needs of the market.National livestock meat production as much as 1.228 million tons. Goat donate the proceeds approximately 48,000 tons. Donations goat was still small when compared to beef production reached 349,000 tons, 294,000 tons of domestic poultry, and about 280,000 tons of broiler chickens. The low production is due to the orientation of goats goat market is still domestic (local local area) so that slow population growth. However, bagiamanapun condition, goat business knows no crisis. Price of live goats and goat meat from year to year continues to increase. 1998 price of about Rp 7.500/kg live goats and goat meat prices around Rp 17.000/kg. 1999 rose to USD 10.000/kg for live goats and Rp 20.000/kg for mutton. In 2000 the price reached Rp live goats and goat meat 12.000/kg also rose to Rp 24.000/kg.Trends in life and goat meat is increasing due to the demand for goat meat is also increasing. For example, the Jakarta every day requires meat goats and sheep around 15-20 tonnes, equivalent to 1,500-2,000 tail consumed for satay, mutton roll, tongseng, curry, soup, and a wide range of uses for food stalls, restaurants and catering. In fact, demand soared as the feast of Eid al-Adha, the tail reaches 21000-25000. The request was not accounted for keperluaan aqiqah, salvation, and a variety of custom event needs.Goat incoming Jakarta accommodated in RPH Pulogadung, Tanah Abang, Tanjung Priok, and Tanah Abang market goats. The goats come from market Klewer Solo, Yogyakarta, Wonosobo, Bradford, Purwokarta, Subang, Sukabumi, East Java, and Lampung.In addition to the various sources of meat, goats are also bred to be milked. When compared with cow's milk, goat's milk is more expensive. Currently the price of goat milk could reach Rp 13.000/kg, while cow's milk is only Rp 3.000/kg.That condition is a business opportunity for farmers and for investors who want to invest in a goat farm, goat farm either cut or dairy goat farm. With the development of goat breeding business in Indonesia, is expected to better the welfare of farmers. In addition, meat and dairy goat needs a continuous increase can also be met.


Ditahun 1933 Indonesia pernah dianjurkan agar tanaman di ONDERNEMING ditanamnya pisang, terutama jenis pisang ambon khususnya untuk dapat menghasilkan "tepung pisang". Tepung pisang adalah baik untuk bayi anak-anak dan orang tua, untuk membuat tepung pisang adalah dengan cara buah pisang yang 3/4 tua dikupas dan dipotong-potong menyumbang agak tipis dengan pisau yang dibikin dari bambu hal ini dikarenakan pisau bambu tidak akan membuat hitam potongan daging pisang. setelah mengalami penjemuran 2-3 hari di musim kemarau sudah cukup keringlah lalu lakukan dengan menumbuk sampai halus. tetapi tepung pisang tidak dapat dipakai untuk membuat roti hal ini dikarenakan warnanya akan merubah menjadi hitam bila dicampur dengan ragi ( GIST)
Buah pisang ambon dan raja dengan timbangan rata - rata 70 gram daging tiap buah, kurang lebih 55% dari timbangan basah tiap-tiap buah bila dikeringkan akan susut kurang lebih 60%.


Buah pisang selain untuk dimakan juga dapat diGUNAkan untuk berbagai aneka macam olahan makanan seperti misalnya dijadikan selai pisang, di eropa selai pisang ini dinamakan dengan " FIG " dan masih mengandung vitamin C 14mg/1kg. Jenis pisang yang bisa dijadikan selai adalah jenis pisang ambon, pisang raja, gembor dan pisang mas, dan untuk membuat selai pisang GUNAkan pisang yang telah masak betul, dikupas, dan dijemur, setelah itu dibelah dua atau bisa dibuat utuh. penjemuran ini bisa diletakkan di atas tetampah yang diberi merang, bila pisangnya di belah dua potongan pisang tersebut diletakkan dengan bagian potongan diatas, lamanya menjemur tergantung pada keadaan cuaca rata - rata 5 hari. dalam waktu tersebut setlah letaknya di bolak balik 2 - 3 kali. maka sudah cukup kering selai tersebut, Pada saat membalikkan buah yang sedang mengering, buah yang tidak dibelah ditekan sedikit demi sedikit hingga agak pipih. Tandanya salai sudah kering ialah sudah tidak melekatnya ( lengket) selai, bila dipegang, serta untuk menambah tingginya kualitas bila sudah kering selai tersebut diembunkan beberapa kali di waktu malam bila cuaca sedang cerah hingga mengkilau nampaknya.


Batang dan daun pisang juga tidak kalah banyak manfaatnya di banding dengan umbi batangnya dimana, Guna batang pisang antara lain : 
  • Batang pisang yang dipotong - potong kecil dapat dimakan oleh sapi dan kerbau di musim kemarau atau sebagai "bahan pakan alternatif" bila tidak ada tanah rumpu yang hijau.
  • Air yang diperas dari batang pisang dapat menyembuhkan sakit kencing yang panas dan menawarkan keracunan warangan ( arsenicum ) hal ini disampaikan oleh " RUMPHIUS"di negara Brazil air batang pisang bisa sebagai penawar gigitan ular tertentu, dan air batang pisang "kelutuk" dicampur dengan jelaga dapat dipakai untuk mengecat hitam anyaman bambu.
  • Bagian dalam yang merupakan tangkai bunganya bila dipotong-potong kecil-kecil dapat dicampur dengan bubur untuk makanan babi.
  • Pelepah ( upih ) daunnya dapat dipergunakan untuk bahan pembungkus tembakau atau bila dipotong-potong memanjang dapat dipergunakan untuk tali, hal ini dikarenakan pisang juga mengandung serat yang halus terutama dari pisang kelutuk, menggala dan susu.
Selain Guna  batang,  daun pisang juga mempunyai kegunaan untuk campuran makanan sapi dan kerbau bila di musim kemarau kekurangan rumput. dibeberapa daerah untuk makanan yang tidak bisa dibungkus dengan plastik maka sebagai gantinya di bungkus dengan daun pisang kelutuk.
lain halnya dengan Batang, dan daun, GUNA bunga pisang yang belum membuka ( biasa orang awam menyebutnya dengan jantung pisang ) nikmat dan enak bila disajikan dalam bentuk sayur tetapi jenis jantung pisang atau bunga pisang yang paling enak untuk dijadikan sayur yaitu dari jenis kelutuk. 


Kita mungkin selama ini belum familiar tentang kegunaan umbi batang pisang, oleh sebab itu saya mencoba menyalin kembali artikel tentang Guna umbi batang pisang: Umbi batang yang dipotong tipis-tipis dijemur dan bila sudah kering dibakar dijadikan abu. hal ini dikarenakan umbi batang pisang banyak mengandung zat kalium, oleh sebab itu abu dari umbi batang pisang banyak dipergunakan untuk "soda", untuk pembuatan sabun, maupun untuk perabukan, sebagai rabuk kalium.
Selain itu juga air dari umbi batang pisang kepok dan kelutuk dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai obat, untuk "menyembuhkan penyakit disentri" pendarahan dalam usus, untuk memperbaiki pertumbuhan dalam rambut, dipergunakan berkumur bagi penyakit amandel hal ini di utarakan oleh "KLOPPENBURG VERSTEEG" dan menurut "PHARMACEUTISCH WEEKBLAD 1915 " pendarahan dalam usus besar dapat dihentikan dengan meminum air yang diperas dari umbi batang anak pisang klutuk. 

Memelihara Tanaman Pisang

Dalam menanam pohon pisang hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pemeliharaannya adalah  : Pemeliharaan
secara umum, Mengurangi atau mengatur banyaknya anak pisang, Pembasmian hama penyakit, Perabukan, dan pemeliharaan buanhya. ini


Students in education today are vitally interested is being both successful and happy in life. One of the best ways for you to accomplish this is to engage in comprehensive planning during the initial  stages of preparing for your life work. An introductory course in education, therefore, should provide many opportunities for you to gain an thorough understanding of what is involved in a teaching career to the extent that you see clearly the tasks ahead in developing into an effective teacher,. An introductory education course should also test further the wisdom of your decision to become a teacher, so that you may be able to develop a reasoned dedication to the profession. It should help you plan with care and insight your preparation for teaching as well as your professional growth after entering the field. As a result of this type of course, subsequent studies and other professional activity should have  greater meaning and purpose to you.
  1. Part I Planning for teaching is designed to assist you in accomplishing these purpose of an introductory course in education. the book is divided into six integral parts. Each part is preceded by an overview designed to assist you in sensing clearly the relations of the chapters involved to the central purpose of the book.attempts to increase your understanding of and skill in planing a career in teaching. The arrangement of the four chapters should assist you in grasping the logical sequence of some fundamental steps involved in career planing: i.e, you clarify the values and goals you desire in life: you study teaching profession to see  whether its potential values are consistent with your life values. you carefully examine the personal and professional requirements for success in the field : you evaluate yourself in terms of these requirements and the develop detailed plans for meeting them. Emphasis is placed upon both individual and group aspects of planning. you also will examine certification requirement and explore the wide range of opportunities that a career in education provides, so that your interests and abilities may best be utilized and your success and happiness in the profession proportionately increased. The needs for both elementary and secondary prospective teachers are taken into consideration.
  2. Part II is concerned with such vital questions as: what relationship do teachers have with community members, pupils, parents, and other members of the profession ? how does a teacher guide the educational growth of boys and girls ? what are  some of the philosophical and psychological bases of modern educational practices ? what is the status of teaching as profession and how does it differ from other profession?What obligations and responsibilities will you have  as a members of the teaching profession ?
  3. Part III  you consider such realistic matters as salary, sick leave, tenure and retirement benefits.
  4. Part IV you explore some of the historical forces that have shaped our educational system as well as theories of eduacation. 
  5. Part V is designed to help you view the broad aspects of education and professional challenge with which teachers today are faced.
Special attention is given to the interrelationship  of the school and the community and the resulting effect upon the role of the teacher. some of the persistent problems and issues which you will face in teaching are pointed out. You are encouraged to plan ways in which you may aid in the solution of these problems an contribute effectively to the fuller realization of the school's function in democratic society.

source: Planning for teaching


shobat berita guna tentunya tidak asaing lagi dengan tanaman kaktus, kaktus adalah salah satu tumbuhan yang berduri dan  tentunya shobat ragam timbul kenapa pohon kaktus bentuk fisiknya berbeda dengan tumbuhan lainnya.


Didalam budidaya pisang ini kita perlu memperhatikan beberapa hal agar supaya hasil panen yang diharapkan menjadi maksimal, oleh karena itu kita perlu berlandaskan pada :


Komposisi kimia jamur merang pada umumnya mengandung karbohiodrat, protein, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral. Vitamin yang terkandung di dalamnya adalah vitamin B dan D. Bahkan kadang - kadang mengandung pula vitamin A dan C sedangkan mineral yang terkandung di dalamnya antara lain : P,Ca,dan Fe. dilihat dari segi proteinnya, kandungan protein pada jamur merang relatif lebih tinggi daripada sayur - mayur pada umunya.
hal ini bisa kita lihat pada tabel seperti di bawah ini

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