

The sun is not too high, but the stroke is already felt. The humid wind of the beach that blows a little strong and the heat of the sun cannot stop people that gathered in the fish Auction Place ( TPI for short in Indonesian ) in Puger.
The fish merchants are crowded by the consumer. Many kind of fish such as tongkol, tuna, lemuru, stingray, crabs, and squid are line up orderly in a basket made of bamboo.The ship crews just came back from sailing is passing by accompanied by the shouting of the merchant trying to sell their fishes, become an interesting economic interaction this morning 
Not too far from TPI, outboard machine of small boat is screaming, taking three passengers coming close to the edge of the estuary. While a group of women are wearing caping ( cone shaped hat, usually wore by farmer) and colorful raincoat has waited the boat the boat. After the boats is getting closer tho the land, the fishermen inside the boat give a code, calling them to nyocoli their fish net that full of lemuru ( type of fish ). The group of women is quickly jumped into the water, struggling with the mud and water as deep as their waist. They swiftly with alacrity take the fishes from the net, and then put it into big sized plastic basket.
In the edge of estuary, the pengambe have been ready to make an offer to the boat owner.
Without too much negotiation, the fish baskets already move into other owner. The basket is taken by the manol ( heaver, ed) to be weighed in TPI and then taken to the pengambe place.
Sometimes the pengambe are not waiting the boat come to buy the fishes. but the also give a financial loan for the boat owner  as the compensation of fishes caught by the fishermen.
That is an illustration happened everyday in TPI of Puger everyday, place where the conqueror of south sea wild tides moors. The Puger's fishermen are famous for their bravery. For them, the south coast is like a giant mine, where it becomes their mainstay with abundant potential. The wilderness of south sea tides is a challenge when they seeking for a livelihood. Yes, these fishermen are never afraid of death. They only afraid if their family starving.  


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