

The tourism sector in Jember District is continuing  to expand, along with the people's need of entertainment. Almost every sub district has built an entertainment. Almost every sub district has built an entertainment spot. From the kind of entertainment spot that is been built in purpose, or the one that expand the existing natural potential. the increasing of this tourism spot must be followed by the competition to be the best. Every tourism spot management is trying to make their place become more beautiful and interesting, so the people ( visitor ) will like them better. By providing a adequate ficilities, the tourist visit rate in Jember will gets better. moreover, Jember has a lot of varied tourism spots. the tourists can enjoy many things, depends on their preference and intention. for those who like the sea scenery can go to papuma beach , or watu ulo beach and also a few other beaches that has their own kind of beauty such as puger.and for those who want to spend their vacation with their family, can go to the recreational area, and also water recreation that widely available in Jember. For example, niagara park, Oleng sibutong and other bathing tourism spot such as patemon, kebon agung or rembangan .
For those who like the natural beauty can go to agro-tourism spot such as fruit agro-tourism in semboro and rembangan or vegetables in sukorambi.for people who have interest in adventure or research, they can go to the meru betiri who has a natural and beautiful beach, bande alit. in this place, the visitor can enjoy the forrest's beauty include their wild animal such as bull, budeng or lutung ( a kind of monkey ), deer and also rare plant like raflesia flower.
 The increase in jember tourism sector is also followed by the existence of the tourism services. the increase of entertainment spots, restaurants, and cottage is about 10%. In jember, the increase of tourism  spot and their supports such as hotel, restaurants and other entertainment spots untill 2012 is about 10%, said arif cahyono the head of jember tourism office a few moment ago.
The increase in tourism support infrastructure is also having impact in the number of visitor come. they from varied places, even from aboard. The tourism arrival rate is also increase. not only from aboard but domestic tourism come from varied places such as Bali, jogja etc. in 2006 the number of tourist come to Jember are only 250.000 and now it reach 600.000 visit in a year 

sumber :  Jember kita

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