

Maybe it is not ovverated to say that jember district has become the Indonesia prototype in the agricultural sector. An ultimate gift from Allah that priceless, almost every kind of agricultural commodities
can be found in this region.
Ranging from the food agriculture, plantation, fruits, until vegetables are scatter in every part of Jember district. The center of orange fruits in umbulsari, gumukmas, Jombang, semboro, salak (also know as snake fruits in some area ) in gumukmas and semboro, durian in sumberjambe arjasa, jelbuk, panti, tanggul, and sumberbaru subdistrict.
The center of Mangosteen in sumberbaru the dragon fruit arjasa, the star fruit in umbulsari and semboro, Rambutan can be found in almost every subdistrict of Jember, especially in the northern area. kenitu fruit in sumberbaru, duku and langsep in ajung and bangsalsari sub district. Among them a few agricultural commodities have been processed as snack. The agricultural commodities processed product can be found in the jember's food souvenirs shop or store.
the processed product such as tape (a kind of fermented food ), suwar suwir ( tape based munchies),  prol tape ( tape cake ), cassava syrup, oranges syrup  and many kind of munchies that based on the agricultural product is chocolate suwar suwir.
Chocolate base suwar suwir is not widely know yet, because it just has been recently developed by the cocoa and coffee research center of Indonesia., in renteng, rambipuji, jember. They have already sent a sample to the departement of industry and comerce and EMR of Jember, to be included in a product design contest.

source; Jember Kita, 2013

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